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Analyze Project Performance & Profitability

View Profitability in Real-time by Resource, Project, Customer, Region

Project Analytics makes sure your projects are profitable by allowing you to:

ok Control projects and Resources on a weekly basis
ok Generate profit & loss, and performance ratios on a weekly basis
ok Forecast profit & loss for each project
ok Perform post mortem analysis after each project

How does Project Analytics work?


ok Export your project worksheet from Microsoft Project as an XML Document
ok Upload it to Project Analytics
ok Y our consultants enter project and non-project related activities via our
Timesheets function
ok Assign resources to projects
ok View work reports and receive notifications
ok Analyze your projects

Project Analytics is divided into two functional work spaces: Project Management and Project Analytics

Below are the features and benefits of each work space.

Project Management

Controls resources and projects


Project Definition to get everybody on the same page
Project Plan Import and Resource Mapping to view tasks and assign resources
Project Members allows you to see the different skill levels and their pay rates.
Project Documents allows you to upload key documents for the project
Project Status keeps everybody up-to-date on what's going on with the project


Timesheet Report to enable you to track how consultants spend their time
Timesheet Approval Process allows you to have tighter control over how your consultants spend their time.

Project Analytics

Analyzes productivity, efficiency, & profits


Weekly Project Status allows you to analyze your project many different ways

ok Billable hours
ok Actual hours
ok Work progress
ok Estimated Cost to Complete (ETC)
ok Actual profit
ok Estimated profit to complete (EPC)
ok Margins

All project metrics can be measured by: project name, manager, region/branch, health, type, state, status, tasks


Weekly Timesheet Approval allows you to analyze work reported and authorized
ok Billable work
ok Estimated revenue
ok Work hours
ok Cost
ok Productivity
ok Efficiency
ok Profits

All resource metrics can be measured by:
resource, resource type, project, region/branch,
project manager
