Analyze Project Performance & ProfitabilityView Profitability in Real-time by Resource, Project, Customer, RegionProject Analytics makes sure your projects are profitable by allowing you to: Control projects and Resources on a weekly basis How does Project Analytics work? Export your project worksheet from Microsoft Project as an XML Document Project Analytics is divided into two functional work spaces: Project Management and Project AnalyticsBelow are the features and benefits of each work space. Project ManagementControls resources and projects ProjectsProject Definition to get everybody on the same page TimesheetsTimesheet Report to enable you to track how consultants spend their time Project AnalyticsAnalyzes productivity, efficiency, & profits ProjectWeekly Project Status allows you to analyze your project many different ways Measure: All project metrics can be measured by: project name, manager, region/branch, health, type, state, status, tasks ResourcesWeekly Timesheet Approval allows you to analyze work reported and authorized All resource metrics can be measured by: |